Vesak Day 2551
Want To Say I Love You
A man, when he was in childhood he was diligent but when he was grown up he became a trouble maker because of his promiscuous behavior. He always asked money from parents and spent it all with women. His parents thought he might be under the influence of black magic so they took him to a black magic master to remove the curse but nothing was better. He was admitted to a nerve hospital once. His mother ordained him as a monk at a temple. During his ordination, he was better but things turned back to be same after he quitted a priesthood. Did he have a mental problem from a black magic…..what is the Kammar of his parents to have so much sorrow with their son in this life?
V-Star Unity Day : Assembly of Virtuous Youth
Assembly of Virtuous Youth on Saturday, 13th December 2014. There were more than 5,000 schools from throughout Thailand and the world, including the Philippines, Nepal, Mongolia, Malaysia and Myanmar, participating in this event.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twelve :- Raising our children.
If I am Rich, I Will be Pretty
One day after she got off work, she walked across the road without looking for oncoming cars, she put one step forward. Unexpectedly, she felt like someone pushed her back to the median. In that blink of an eye, a car ran passed right in front of her. Is there something or someone helped her?
รายนามผู้ได้รับ รางวัลผู้นำพุทธโลก ครั้งที่ 1 ปี 2557
ในการประชุมคณะกรรมการจัดงาน พิธีมอบรางวัลผู้ทำคุณประโยชน์ต่อพระพุทธศาสนา เมื่อวันที่ 15 มกราคม 2557 ณ สำนักงานพระพุทธศาสนาแห่งชาติ ที่ประชุมอันประกอบไปด้วย ผู้แทนสำนักงานพระพุทธศาสนาแห่งชาติ ผู้แทนองค์การยุวพุทธศาสนิกสัมพันธ์แห่งโลก และคณะผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ มีมติถวายรางวัลผู้นำพุทธโลก World Buddhist Outstanding Leader Award แด่พระภิกษุ และมอบรางวัลให้แก่บุคคลและองค์กร ผู้ทำคุณประโยชน์ต่อพระพุทธศาสนา
Bullet for Love
One woman decided to do something sarcastic to her mother by shooting herself at her left calf. However, this incident led her to meet her present husband. She had lost her beloved daughter. And, the story that will be a good lesson for gambling people.
DMC News:- Youth Camp arranged by Meditation Center of Chicago
News and information from Meditation Center of Chicago
เสียงหลวงพ่อธัมมชโย นำสัมมา อะระหัง 300 ครั้ง